Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TV viewing # draft two #

Television is a fascinating invention which fulfills the need of both young and old. Nowadays television is so prevalent in the world where 90% of the households in the developed countries own at least one television set (Sharif 1999). According to American Time Use Survey (2003), the American spends most of their time on watching television. The spending of time on this sedentary activity has induced the concern about the effect of television viewing. People start to discuss and argue whether watching television is a boon or a detriment to the people. Without any doubt, I assert that television viewing delivers huge information, improves the learning process and develops critical thinking among the viewer.

First, television acts as an audio-visual medium to deliver the hefty information to the viewer (Leigh 2001). By viewing TV program, people can experience the wonders of the nature, the beauty of the world and marvels of the science world in an entertaining and enjoyable manner (Rutherford 2002). It is demonstrated that people are now more aware about their country, their own cultures and foreign cultures (Leigh 2001). People are also clearer about the international news in the world. Rather than becoming spoon-feeds viewers, they are building up curiosity about the world and start exploring things by themselves. For instance, they are motivated to do charity works such as collect fund for victims of famine in Africa (Sharif 1999).

Besides, learning process can be implemented more efficient with the incorporation of television throughout the process. Television is a powerful and influential learning tool where knowledge can be presented in a more catchy form. The science, geography and other subjects can be shown in an absorbing style, enable the learner to absorb that knowledge smoothly (Leigh 2001). Evidences proved that students are more acceptant of learning knowledge through watching and hearing rather than reading solely (Leigh 2001). Moreover, small children like pre-scholars can start learning letters, words, numbers and colours by watching educational programs such as “Play School”. These programs include animation and puppets in the show which make the process more fun (Rutherfood 2002). In the end, children are inclined to master more vocabulary.

Last but not least, television viewing intrigues critical thinking among the viewer. Families can harness any program shown as a topic for the discussion with their child. This helps to develop critical thinking that is needed in the social setting (Sharif 1999). On the other hand, TV program broadcasts latest current events of local and world, arouses the attention of the viewer and people will pay attention to those grave issues critically and meticulously. This catalyzes the involvement of public in those issues and pressures are being deployed on the party involved (Rutherfood 2002). Therefore decision makers will consider the reaction of the audience before making any conclusion. This indirectly promotes the development of democracy around the world (Rutherfood 2002).

In short, television viewing enables the viewer to learn vast amount of information and knowledge and develop critical thinking. Although some say that excessive viewing of television will nullify the anticipated benefits, mitigation can be carried to reduce the severity triggered by excessive TV viewing. Therefore, I strongly believe that people are profoundly benefited from TV viewing if this usual activity is carried out in a modest manner.

1 comment:

  1. -By viewing TV programS..(para 2)

    - Besides, learning process can be implemented more efficientLY....

    - the phrase 'last but not least' is not very academic. Please rephrase it.

    Good work. Please make the changes and post the finl version of the essay to the blog.
